Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Freeman Does Some Real Reporting

Kudos to the Freeman's Patricia Doxee for telling it like it is. The Bernardo Junta is doing everything it can to consolidate as much power as possible into the hands of the Independence Party. The Democratic Caucus isn't taking this lying down though:
The Ulster County Legislature’s Democratic minority is considering legal action against Legislature Chairwoman Terry Bernardo and the Republican caucus in an ongoing dispute over appointments to the Golden Hill Local Development Corporation’s board of directors.

Minority Leader David Donaldson said he is furious that a resolution appointing Legislator Jeanette Provenzano to the board did not go before the Legislature’s Health and Personnel Committee on Feb. 6. He says Bernardo, R-Accord, purposely kept the measure off the committee’s agenda because she opposes the appointment of Provenzano to the board.

[. . .]

“No chairman has ever refused to hear a resolution,” said Donaldson, D-Kingston. “They’re basically denying the minority any way they can.”

Donaldson said Democrats will discuss during their caucus today the possibility of going to court to force legislative committees to consider resolutions that are submitted in a timely fashion.
This is par for the course with the Bernardos, who seem to be good only at intimidation and pissing people off.

And it's nice to see that there's at least one reporter at the Freeman who knows how to do her job.