Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ken Ronk Thinks He's Smarter Than Gerry Benjamin

Yeah, I know. And when you've finished cleaning up the coffee you just reflexively spit all over your monitor and keyboard, take a look and see for yourself what Ronk says about changes to the new charter:
“We know what works and what doesn’t work.”
After all, Ronk knows much more about government than a man with an MA and a PhD in, um, American Government. Who is this Gerry Benjamin to tell this brilliant champion of the common man how government should work?

There are others, however, who beg to differ:
“It has become evident that a small group of legislators have decided to attempt to nullify the nine months of work of the commission and draft their own charter revisions, which they plan to advance instead of the commission’s proposals,” Hein said, reading from a prepared statement to the Charter Revision Commission on Tuesday.

“This attempt to subvert the process by a small group of legislators can be interpreted in only one way: a simple power grab by individuals who long for the bygone times of legislative control of operations, inefficiency and an era that saw a grossly mismanaged jail (construction) project and accountability that was nonexistent.”
One of the stricking points has to do with the county executive having subpoena power, something the clowns at the legislature don't like. I wonder why that could be? It's not like any of them are less-than honest stalwarts of all that is righteous and good in the world, right?

Of course, imagining someone with the brain pan of Len Bernardo having subpoena power would give anyone reasonable person nightmares, so Ronk may have a point.