Friday, September 7, 2012

Bernardo and the IDA

Now that it appears the Ulster County IDA will be looking into Skate Time 209's probable default on the roller rink's PILOT agreement, Terry Bernardo's position as chairwoman of the legislature sets up the potential for a major conflict of interest, as Robin Yess very astutely points out:
And if I haven’t said it before, I’ll say it now – Bernardo is a recipient of tax credits and benefits from the people of Ulster County for a business she owns and as Legislature Chair she should recuse herself from participation in any Legislative activity pertaining to the IDA Board, especially making appointments to the Board.
Damn skippy. This is a classic conflict-of-interest situation, as Bernardo's legislative decisions in this matter will have a direct effect on the balance in her personal checking account. There is no doubt whatsoever that Bernardo should do the right thing and recuse herself.

But my guess is that Langdon Chapman will advise her that she has nothing to worry about. Thus, she'll happily vote on matters related to her own self-interest without batting an ethically challenged eyelid. Here's to hoping Bernardo proves me wrong.

And a commenter on yesterday's post suggested that IDA Chairman David O'Halloran will fold like origami when it comes to making the Bernardos pay their fair share of taxes. The commenter is probably right. But, again, here's to hoping that we're all pleasantly surprised and O'Halloran throws the book at Skate Time.