I want to invite you to a party!Phonebanking, GOTV, lit drops, etc., are very important this election cycle. Gibson is vulnerable and his campaign knows it. If you want confirmation of this, the DCCC is ramping up its campaign here in the Hudson Valley. Here is the ad going after Chris Gibson for voting to replace Medicare with a coupon:
Tonight at 6:30 we will be opening our newest campaign office, located in beautiful Hudson NY.
Please join us for food, friends and fun – and a little politics on the side.
And stay after the party to watch President Obama’s speech on the big screen.
The office is located at 1 Warren St. in Hudson.
And if you can’t make it out tonight, please sign up to volunteer for the last 60 days of the campaign – the only way we can win is with your help!
I'm sure there will be howls from the Gibson campaign that the ad is hitting below the belt. Good. The more they squeal, the better it's working, I say.
Actually, Gibson is pasting Julian by double digits in three different polls. Plus he has 4 times as much cash on hand. The funny part is that a number of important Ulster Democratic leaders are working for Gibson behind the scenes because they can't stand Schreibman. Gibson is on track to crush him.