Details still emerging but we were appalled that Supervisor Jim Quigley has chosen to deny health care for former Deputy Chief Sinagra. We know of the Quigley/ Sinagra feud but we hope that our esteemed Supervisor would not deny a town officer that protected his and my community his health care.This whole thing is nothing more than Quigley's sour grapes over Sinagra's support of Quigley's opponent in the last election. And, if you've watched Quigley's bullying behavior at different meetings, it won't surprise you that he's capable of holding such a petty grudge.
Sinagra, on the other hand, believes that his contract entitled him to retirement benefits as a result of his long tenure with the Town of Ulster Police. In fact, he went so far as to file a grievance with the town board. This grievance was summarily denied at the last board meeting:
Resolution of the Town Board Formally Approving and Adopting SupervisorI use the term "summarily" because the resolution offers nothing as to why this decision was made. If Sinagra is entitled to these benefits, Quigley and the board have no right to deny them. Of course, Quigley's lickspittle board voted in lock-step with their fearless overlord, despite the fact that the little tyrant himself wasn't present.
Quigley’s Memorandum dated February 17, 2012
Whereas, former Deputy Chief of the Town of Ulster Police Department Joseph Sinagra filed a
grievance against the Town of Ulster alleging that he is entitled to receive certain retiree health
benefits from the Town of Ulster; and
Whereas, said grievance was received by the Town of Ulster Supervisor’s Office on or about
February 2, 2012; and
Whereas, the Town of Ulster Supervisor responded to said grievance on February 17, 2012 with
the attached Memorandum, which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof; and
Whereas, in said Memorandum, the Town of Ulster Supervisor denied the grievance in all
respects; and
Whereas, it is the intent of this resolution for the Town of Ulster Town Board to formally
approve and adopt said Memorandum and to deny said grievance in all respects; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulster Town Board formally approves and adopts Supervisor
Quigley’s Memorandum dated February 17, 2012; and be it further
RESOLVED, that that the Town of Ulster Town Board hereby denies the grievance of Joseph
Sinagra in all respects; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulster Town Clerk send a certified copy of this resolution to
James A. Seyfarth, Joseph Sinagra, and William Wallens, Esq. within ten (10) days.
2nd by Councilman Brink
Four Ayes – Supervisor Quigley was absent
And Sinagra is a true professional, from what I've heard. I doubt seriously that he would ask for something he didn't rightfully earn. Don't be surprised if litigation follows.
And Jim "Napoleon" Quigley really needs to stop running the Town of Ulster as if it's his own personal fiefdom. The voters deserve better.
Is it just me, or do we seem to have an awful lot of petty tyrants here in Ulster?