Tuesday, May 8, 2012

And This Would Change . . . What?

Jeremy Schiffres, the city editor at the Freeman, thinks Joe Roberti went too far in publicly dressing-down Bob Aiello for standing up to the Bernardos:
* Note to town of Saugerties Republican Chairman Joe Roberti: Publicly admonishing Ulster County Legislator Bob Aiello, R-Saugerties, for taking a stand against Legislature Chairwoman Terry Bernardo, R-Accord — and threatening to pull the party's endorsement of Aiello in the next election — probably was not a good idea. The GOP holds only a razor-thin 13-12 majority in the Legislature, and Aiello always has been an on-the-fence kinda guy when it comes to politics. Anger him enough, and it seems to me that he just might jump ship — and put the Democrats in control.
Really? I thought the Independence Party was in control, seeing that 20 of the 23 current legislators got the Ind. line last time out. So I don't think much would change if the majority and minority leaders switched seats. Bernardo would still be the chair, and the agenda would likely remain much as it is right now.

Of course, if Schiffres is simply saying that Roberti is shooting himself in the foot, well, why would such a development surprise anyone?

Point taken, Jeremy. Pass the popcorn.