Legislators Question Ulster County Republican Chairwoman Terry Bernardo’s priorities.We're well past the point of questioning her priorities. We know what her priorities are. We're now at the point where we need to seriously question her fitness to hold public office. Truly unbelievable.
At the beginning of this week, without any discussion with the Legislature or the Public Works Committee that oversees renovations, Republican Chairwoman Terry Bernardo requested through the County Executive’s Office to redesign the Legislative offices, including an increase in space for the her office. The request was brought to the Executive’s office by the Chairwoman’s confidential secretary, Fawn Tantillo, who also serves as Vice Chair of the Ulster County Independence party.
Today Minority Leader David Donaldson and Legislator Peter Loughran questioned Ulster County Legislative Chair Terry Bernardo’s new plan to redesign the Legislative Offices to expand her personal office and eliminate the Legislative Conference Room.
“During these difficult fiscal times, I can’t believe that the Republican Chair would not only waste taxpayers money for her own indulgences, but actually move to hurt the operations of the Legislature by eliminating the Legislative Conference room that is used both by smaller legislative committees as well as for conferences by both sides of the isle.” stated Donaldson.
“Legislative offices are less that four years old and have functioned well for both Democrat and Republican Chairs since we transitioned into our charter form of government. The idea that Chair Bernardo sees fit to order a renovation of space, including a larger personal office for herself, without any Legislative approval or even a discussion in the Public Works Committee, is disturbing. These type of decisions need to be discussed in committee, stated the former Chairman of the Pubic Works Committee, Legislator Peter Loughran.
Donaldson concluded by stating, “This is another glaring example of the Republican Chairwoman’s total lack of understanding for the problems this county is facing. I have a feeling that the people of this county don’t see expanding her office as a priority”
Contact David Donaldson 845-399-8709
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Bernardo Watch: Spend, and Spend Some More
Okay, these are some serious cojones even for the Bernardo Gang. A press release from David Donaldson:
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