So, who is Langdon Chapman? This question needs to be answered. After all, Terry Bernardo, the newly installed chair of the Ulster Legislature, went out of her way to appoint Chapman as the new counsel to the chamber, this over the strenuous objections of attorneys in Ulster County.Robin Yess today highlights the many hats Chapman wears. Interestingly, Yess didn't mention the City of Port Jervis. And she's done her homework, it appears, as Chapman has stepped down from his post as planning board attorney for that city. Guess he was just too busy. What is interesting is that Chapman's replacement is Robert Krahulik, an attorney with Bonacic, Krahulik, Cuddeback, McMahon & Brady, LLP, of Middletown, and the son of one of the firm's founders.
Chapman, of course, doesn't live in Ulster County. He lives in Orange. So why would Bernardo go out of her way to appoint a carpetbagger? Well, for one, he's State Senator John Bonacic's chief of staff. Seems a little odd to have the chief of staff to a state senator providing legal advice to an allegedly independent legislative body, doesn't it? At the very least, there's the appearance that Bonacic's office will have a huge influence over the legislative agenda in Ulster County.
If that's not enough to give one pause, try this on for size: Chapman is also the planning board attorney for the City of Port Jervis in Orange County. If that's not enough, he's also the planning board attorney for the Town of Mamakating in Sullivan County. What? There's more? He is also the town/village attorney for the following municipalities: The Town of Bovina and the Town of Stamford (both of which are in Delaware County), and the Village of Liberty (Sullivan).
In addition to this, Chapman is also an associate at Bonacic's law firm, Bonacic, Krahulik, Cuddeback, McMachon & Brady, LLC, in Middlewtown. Just how many jobs does this guy have? And why was it so important that Bernardo appoint him? At whose request? I can't imagine that Chapman's appointment came as a result of a talent search. Seriously. They scour the local market looking for someone who's a good fit for the job, and the person they come up with is this guy? No. This is some sort of quid pro quo, with Bonacic's law firm the likely beneficiary.
I wonder just how much business Chapman steers to his boss's firm? Definitely worth looking into.
Bonacic and his partners seem to love all this municipal business, and the money that flows into the firm's coffers. But Bonacic is also on the record that government shouldn't be in the job creation business. Which is it, senator? Seems like government is creating plenty of jobs for Chapman and the stable of attorneys at your firm.