Ulster's legislative leader would have less power to select staff under changes passed Tuesday by the county's charter revision commission.Novinson does a good job highlighting the reasons for the recommendations, citing the fact that the Bernardos have "drawn the ire" of fellow legislators regarding the Thomshaw firing, the retention of Bonacic hatchet-man Langdon Chapman as counsel, and the hiring of Frank Reggero as budget analyst when he "lacks a financial background or bachelor's degree."
The commission voted 6-3 to institute a residency requirement for legislative counsel and 7-2 to subject the top clerk to confirmation from the entire legislative body.
"Checks and balances are good for the people of the county," said Joan Lawrence-Bauer, who voted for both changes.
The changes to the charter have to be approved by the full legislature in August, and there will also be a referendum on the ballot in November, according to Novinson. This is one to keep an eye on, both for lobbying our respective legislators to approve the changes, and to let voters know about the referendum (and whether to vote "yes" or "no," depending upon how it's worded).
Stay tuned.